Call for collaboration (deadline 31 March 2025)
The Center for Cultural Heritage Technology (CCHT) in Venice (part of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT, Genoa) is looking for a professional figure (with VAT/P.IVA) / agency to support CCHT Team as a subcontractor in organising and managing exploitation activities and strategies in the framework of the EU-funded project RITHMS (GA 101073932), coordinated by IIT.
The ideal resource will have strong experience in exploitation and sustainability, intellectual property valuation and managing, patenting and licencing, and technology transfer, preferably with a specific focus on technologies (especially IT) in the field of security, and good experience in EU projects. Fluent command of spoken and written English is a key requisite.
Activities to be carried out:
- Devising the most efficient exploitation strategy for RITHMS platform during and after the end of the funded project in accordance with the partners needs
- Organising meetings with the partners and coordinating the IPR management of the output of the project
- Analysing potential governance models for the Entity to be created to handle the RITHMS platform
- Coordinating the effort and contributing to deliverable documents (Exploitation and sustainability strategy, Entity bylaws and governance model, and Impact Analysis)
Availability to attend regular (bi-weekly/monthly) online meetings and occasional in-person meetings at the Centre for Cultural Heritage Technology-IIT in Venice is also requested.
Esperto in Comunicazione e Pianificazione Logistica (Closed)
Il presente bando è finalizzato alla selezione di un esperto in comunicazione per il progetto europeo RITHMS (G.A. 101073932), dedicato al contrasto del traffico illecito di beni culturali. Il collaboratore selezionato sarà responsabile della gestione della comunicazione relativa al progetto europeo per Art Crime Project APS, in particolare con la pubblicazione di materiale connesso al progetto sul sito dell’associazione, sulla testata The Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime e altri portali o riviste di interesse, oltre alla pianificazione logistica di una serie di pillole video sul traffico di beni culturali realizzati da videomakers esterni.
Il candidato ideale deve possedere i seguenti requisiti:
•Competenze nell’ambito dei beni culturali e della comunicazione.
•Alto livello di competenza nella comunicazione scritta e orale in lingua inglese.
•Esperienza in ruoli simili, preferibilmente in contesti internazionali o europei.
•Capacità di lavorare in team e di gestire progetti complessi con scadenze strette.
•Curatela della comunicazione per Art Crime Project APS di contenuti relativi al progetto RITHMS.
•Pianificazione logistica e organizzativa di una serie di pillole video dedicate al traffico illecito di beni culturali da pubblicare, promuovere e condividere attraverso i canali social di Art Crime Project APS, del Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime e del progetto europeo RITHMS.
•Collaborazione con il team del progetto per assicurare una comunicazione efficace e una corretta pianificazione delle attività.
•Redazione di contenuti e materiali di comunicazione, sia scritti che multimediali, in lingua inglese.
Open Call for Videmakers (Closed)
The Art Crime Project APS is launching an international call for videomakers to propose and create three video clips (pills) focused on cultural heritage crime. This initiative is fostered by the European project RITHMS (, dedicated to combating illicit trafficking of cultural goods, and will be part of an awareness raising campaign that will also include video clips tailored around Italian heritage crime experience. Drawing from the foreseen project’s case-studies, the selected provider will realise 3 videos highlighting relevant aspects of the criminal phenomenon in partner countries.
This competition aims to produce a series of videos that will educate and inform about the issues and solutions related to cultural heritage crime. We seek innovative and engaging proposals that utilise various media means, including filmed content, 2D or 3D animations, and mixed media formats. The videos will be produced in English and will ideally feature experiences from RITHMS Consortium partners.
Eligibility: Open to professional videomakers and artists internationally.
Language: Videos must be produced in English. Format: Proposals can include filmed content, 2D or 3D animations, or other effective media forms.
Content: Each proposal must include:
A video reel showcasing the applicant's previous work (maximum 5 minutes).
A concept note (maximum one page) detailing the proposed approach for the three selected video topics.
Video Topics
Applicants are required to propose concepts for 3 video pills, selecting from the following topics related to European landscape:
1. Modern and Contemporary Art Thefts in Spain
2. Treasure Hunting: The Use of Amateur Metal Detectors
3. Major Art Fairs (Tefaf, BRAFA, London Art Fair)
4. Clandestine Excavations and Loss of Cultural Heritage in Romania/Bulgaria/Moldova/Bosnia
5. Destruction and Looting of Cultural Heritage in Ukraine
6. The Phenomenon of Nazi-Looting in Europe
For the overall context and to avoid overlapping, please note that the Italian video pills will cover:
1. The Great Raid of Archaeological Goods in Italy (Medici, Becchina cases)
2. Recovered and Returned Goods: Italian Cultural Diplomacy
3. Future and Technology: Innovations Developed in Italy to Tackle Illicit Trafficking